Transformative models and island teachers. Exploring links and distances between the educational model of a public institution and instrumental and vocal training for Music Pedagogy
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pedagogía en música, modelo educativo, formación instrumental English
Music pedagogy, educational model, instrumental teaching

How to Cite

Ortega Sáenz, F. (2024). Transformative models and island teachers. Exploring links and distances between the educational model of a public institution and instrumental and vocal training for Music Pedagogy. Neuma (Talca), 1, 90–110. Retrieved from


This paper presents the results of a research project carried out in the Department of Music of a public university. The research’s main objective has been to inquiry what knowledge and understanding Instrumental and Vocal Training teachers have about the university’s structural concepts of its educational model. The proposal aspires to become an input for the production of strategies that support the implementation and application of university educational model and its innovative curriculum and, in future stages, will contribute to the improvement of the teaching-learning processes for the Music Pedagogy career.

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