La importancia y posibilidades de la lecto-escritura para una educación musical de calidad
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musical reading and writing efectivo
lecto-escritura musical

How to Cite

Reyes LeRoy, V. . (2008). La importancia y posibilidades de la lecto-escritura para una educación musical de calidad. Neuma (Talca), 1, 126–147. Retrieved from


The benefits that are given by the musical experience, the study of it and its science, specially the learning of reading and writing music no just allow a good developing of musical expression ? capacities but strength the learning of a variety of contents belonging to different disciplines involving also the perspective of the integral developing. It is time to respect the rights of every child including those ones with special necessities to a musical education of quality: efficient and effective, also allowing the achievement of goals plannified to the secondary school in Chile, a problem that doesn't seem to have and answer yet. An appropriate didactic, with methods at the hands of every body and the conscience that every change is on the hands of the day by day teachers, showing that the factors that decide the low level of Chilean musical education can get better.

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