Competencias docentes para el siglo XXI
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knowledge society
classroom competencias
sociedad del conocimiento

How to Cite

Barrios Bulling, T. (2010). Competencias docentes para el siglo XXI: de la generalidad al aula. Neuma (Talca), 1, 138–157. Retrieved from


The rapid and constant changes which we have to face in a globalized world, generate new requirement for individuals, professional and, therefore, for education. For many, the intentional and systematic development of certain skills is the best way to respond to these demands.
This introductory work, seeks to go through the concept of competence, reviewing some of its definitions, categorizations and their applications, as much as the training of people, teachers and the classroom are concerned. As an additional contribution, it includes a section on axiological competencies that may serve to enrich education from a viewpoint associated with the values and transcendence of the human being.

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