Educación basada en competencias, profesionalización del profesor y marco regulatorio
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educación basada en competencias
perfil profesional del profesor
nuevos requerimientos para docencia
marco regulatorio de la docencia competency based education
teacher’s professional profile
new requirements for teaching
legal framework of teaching

How to Cite

Montero Lagos, P. . (2009). Educación basada en competencias, profesionalización del profesor y marco regulatorio: Urgencia de una rectificación indispensable en Chile. Neuma (Talca), 1, 132–158. Retrieved from


Educative units require a professional education in teaching to enable them to meet the requirements of the new century. The teacher, rather than monopolize key decisions on what is learned, how it’s learned, when it’s learned and how it’s assessed, must be able to overcome conventional ways of teaching and harmonizing the enabling conditions of learning of their students. The new emphasis is on teaching learning processes, strategies and thinking skills, using the disciplinary and cultural knowledge as a means for personal growth.
The teacher’s role and their contexts to their professional duties have been affected by motivational, economic, social and cultural changes, among others. The hypothesis of this paper is that competency based education approach provides analytical categories that contributes to the professionalization of teaching, as to the study of key decisions of the regulatory framework for the professional development of teachers in recent years.
In the development of this work, some central aspects of the competency based educational approach are presented, with examples of its application in the design of the profile of the teacher. Subsequently, significant inconsistencies are illustrated in the evolving regulatory framework in recent years for the training and professionalization of the teacher. In the last section, based on the combination of the different backgrounds, there’s a warning on the urgency of changing the legal framework for teacher performance to avoid possible negative consequences on the quality of the training of our children and youth, and their results.

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