The Blue Splendor reflects the city of Valparaíso. The band, the director of the documentary and this essay recognize it. In order to that, it is explored the band most important milestones, the splendorous time and the decline of the main Chilean port and hoy the film is capable of synchronize the identification among the band, porteños and their history. It is proposed here that the Blue Splendor capture the sound of Valparaiso, considering all the international music influence that the port received and the way the band embodies the nostalgic spirit that characterizes the city from XX’s first half which continuous to happen.
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Material Audiovisual
Los Blue Splendor, 2007, González, Manuel, Kithano y Pincoya producciones
Bogalosky, Natalia, 24 Horas, TVN, Los Blue Splendor en festival IN-EDIT, disponible en <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6bdzQAPXG4>

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